Should we be worried about the robotics revolution?
Machine automation has been rising rapidly since the 1960s. And Artificial Intelligence has increased the ways that robotics can enhance our lives. In recent years, even the most ‘typically human’ interactions are being mechanized.
One Simple Tool for Leaders to Retain Your Talent
How to lead with empathy? What are the most important skills for managers now as they lead a workforce that is exhausted and burned out? What should managers spend more time on?
Por qué los directivos españoles deben apostar por la formación continua en la nueva era digital
Sin digitalización, tecnología ni aprendizaje continuado hacia el universo digital, el recorrido será corto.
Five Ways To Reinvent Yourself As A Digital Leader
During the last decades, each crisis has displaced jobs with repetitive tasks, while new jobs requiring high cognitive skills have emerged. What is the meaning of digital leadership? How can you reinvent yourself as a digital leader?
Expert Interview with Nahia Orduña
What are the main benefits of Big Data? What is its importance in regards to Digital Transformation? How is Big Data developing towards the future?
Four Ways To Be An Agile Leader In Virtual Environments
How can you be an agile leader in virtual environments? What are the tricks to start making the best of the virtual way of working right now?
Technologien im Business
Was steckt für mich als Business hinter den neuen Technologien? Worin bestehen die Unterschiede? Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es? Was muss ich jetzt tun, um sicherzustellen, dass mein Business in Zukunft das Beste aus der KI herausholt?